Embracing Relationship Bravery

You deserve to enjoy your life. I’ll walk you out of feeling rejected and confused into radiant self-worth and confidence.

So many women look for love by giving until they have nothing left... only to end up feeling stuck, taken for granted and undervalued.

Are you struggling with:

  • Heartbreak?

  • Feeling rejected?

  • Lack of confidence in yourself?

  • Being undervalued at home or work?

  • Intense fear of someone leaving you?

  • A sense of being unloved and unappreciated by those around you?

  • Not feeling seen, heard or understood in your relationship?

  • Being scared to rock the boat, even though you’re desperately wishing for more independence?

You can free yourself from painful relationship dynamics by learning to love and value yourself.

Your Vitality

Reclaim your energy and vibrance as you ground by prioritizing your own emotional needs.

Receive the
Love you Deserve

Rediscover who you are and what you really want, so you can confidently love yourself
and others.

10x Your Joy
in Life

Say yes to your desires so you can live your life in joy, without feeling guilty about it.

I understand how hard it is to feel stuck in a relationship that's making you miserable, feeling unappreciated, and seeing no way out.

You want to be a confident, empowered woman.

In order to get there, you need to break free from the cycle of overgiving while being unloved and undervalued. You need to develop your self-worth.

The problem is, you've been putting your partner and/or your family’s needs before your own for so long… that you've lost touch with who you are without them. It's left you feeling hurt and stuck.

I’ve been down that road and I’ve experienced the tremendous freedom and joy that is available on the other side. That’s why I became a certified master life coach, neuro-linguistic programming practitioner and have made it my mission to help caring, generous women like you to find their confidence and worthiness.

My work is unique because:

  • We focus on empowering you to regain your self-worth and confidence, putting you back in control of your life and emotions.

  • My methods help you establish actionable strategies that address the root causes of feeling undervalued and unappreciated, leading to lasting change.

  • My philosophy is built on the belief that everyone deserves love and support in their relationships, and we'll work together to help you achieve this.

Together, let’s break the cycle of living for someone else, so you can find the inner happiness you deserve.

Practitioner of
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, and Time Line Therapy

How It Works:

Book Your
Free Call

Let’s talk. I’ll help you paint the picture of your brave, joyful, loving future.

Personalized Coaching

Based on your needs, I will guide you to reprogram your beliefs and reach your goals.

Live in Joy, Confidence and Love

Step into new levels of joy, feeling loved and empowered in your life and relationships.

“Karen helped me to see that I no longer need to be held a prisoner inside of not being enough.”

“Karen helped me to institute daily habits to elevate my mood and my energy. Although I do not consider myself an anxious person, many of the breathing exercises and meditation habits have helped me to achieve a sense of peace, even amidst great uncertainty about what the future holds. 

Most importantly, Karen has helped me to realize that self-care and self-respect need to come first, and I can continue to improve in these areas, while finding the life that I want with a partner. 

Karen has helped me to feel less alone, and more capable in decision-making. Her pointed questions and her compassionate, active listening have helped me to become a better version of ‘me.’”

-Diana S.

“Karen is an extremely heart-felt and motivating coach. She gave me the courage and confidence to break an unhealthy cycle of a toxic relationship I had been battling with for quite some time. I would not have been able to push forward without her understanding, kindness, compassion and support.

Karen truly loves helping others and it shows. She is also very skilled and knowledgeable and has a gift for creating changes but with such ease and flow. Karen has given me the tools I need to continue moving forward on my new journey. My life is better now and I'm happy!”

-Lisa D.

“Working with Karen, I felt safe to explore my experiences without judgement or fear. As a recovering people pleaser, I found it difficult to see my own value outside of overgiving to others and feeling needed. This shift alone helped me to see that I no longer needed to be held a prisoner inside of not being enough. 

I can now see my potential in creating the life I want and the abundance I could create. I am excited about my future. Thank you for your guidance and support.”

-Karen G.

Don’t keep waiting for others to change

Your happiness

is in your own hands

You’ve poured so much energy into making others happy. Now it’s your turn. Together, let’s stop the cycle of codependency so that you can experience the confidence, joy and love that you crave.